Friday, November 7, 2008

This is the Day the Lord Has Made!

It is a gorgeous Fall day! The sun is shining and the air is crisp and clean. While a good portion of the leaves have already fallen, I am looking out my family room window and my backyard neighbors have a big beautiful tree that is radiant with the colors of Fall! It's awesome! I get to enjoy the beauty and don't even have to rake the leaves!

With all the ugliness in our world, it is easy to get distracted from all of the beauty. We so easily fix our eyes on the junk. I commented on Tuesday that I was watching President-elect Obama's acceptance speech because it was like watching a train wreck... I just couldn't tear my eyes away.

I think many of us, in that same way, become focused on circumstances and situations that are difficult at best.... life altering at times. This trend sets our hearts and minds to a negative station that brings us to a point of depression and despair. God desires us to renew our mind. To focus on the good things He has given us. To set our hearts and our affections on His Son, our coming Bridegroom and KING!!!

Our nation has elected a president that I was very dead set against. But there are some things we must remember....

1. He is not KING!!!

2. He is not from everlasting to everlasting!!!

3. He is not our source..... Jehovah Jireh!!!


Revelation 4 beautifully describes the beauty and majesty of THE ONE seated on the throne. I want to encourage you to grab your Bible, find a place of beauty and begin asking the Holy Spirit to really illuminate this chapter for you. Flip that switch in your mind. Then you will have the perspective God desires you to have!!!!


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Well Here We Go

Everyone has thoughts, feelings and opinions. Often we express them without stopping to think about the affect our words might be having. More often, we choose not to express them for fear of what others might think. Most of my friends and family would tell you that I am always very willing to express what I'm thinking. They've been telling me for years to get a blog. But, I'm not as comfortable with the concept as they think I am. But, I'm willing to give it a try.

I hope you enjoy this blog! I hope that it makes you think. Helps you out. Makes you laugh. Makes you cry and causes you to want to subscribe! It wouldn't be fun if noone showed up to read it!

Yep, We Subscribed To Make Her Feel Better